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Principal's Message 2.2.25

Principal's Message 2.2.25

Good evening,

This week we welcomed the warmer temperatures with outdoor recess!  The kids sure were happy!!  Also, can you believe the 100th day of school was Thursday?!  We are so proud of the learning and growing that we see with our Cheetahs! 

This week is National School Counselor Week and we are excited to honor our wonderful school counselor, Mr. Kennison with a special Spirit Week. See below to join us with each day! 

Looking ahead, we have Conference Night on Thursday, February 6th. Please reach out to your child’s teacher for more information.

We had a big week for our 6th graders this past week!  They got to learn about instruments they could play if they register for band next year through Try Band. (pictures below).  Plains staff came over to talk about registration and 7th grade.  6th graders also got to participate in the Lakota Honor Choir! (pictures above)

6th grade parents, here is upcoming info for you...

  • Junior High Registration Period: February 3 – February 13
  • Parents/Guardians Introductory Meeting: Monday, February 3 at 6:30 pm in the Plains gym. This time is dedicated to parents/guardians. Department Leaders will be available in the main hallway after the presentation to answer questions about course placement and requirements.
  • Student Field Trip to Plains: Cherokee - Friday, May 2

Please reach out to us to share any successes, celebrations, or accomplishments about our Cheetahs inside and outside of the classroom!  We love to highlight our Cheetahs on our live announcements, CTV! 

Here's to an awesome and healthy week! 

Valerie Montgomery, Principal

#Everyone Matters, Everyone Grows

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Cherokee PTA

At Cherokee Elementary, our mission is to create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where every student is valued and empowered to reach their fullest potential. Through personalized learning, data driven decisions, and a commitment to excellence, we strive to foster a community where diverse talents are celebrated, and lifelong learning is inspired. Together, we cultivate a culture where everyone matters, and everyone grows.

  • principal